Are you a Fatty Liver?

Two weeks ago my pastor had us draw pictures to define where we are spiritually and where we want to be. He showed a few examples and then had the congrigation share a few examples. It was a really great time of sharing and those times help to make it feel like we are in a lot smaller group.

I got to thinking about my own picture and this is the example that I came up with.

Picture one is a Fatty Liver. One that is filled with unnecessary junk.

Picture two is a Healthy Liver. One that is functioning efficiently.

The Fatty Liver represents a life that is so full of things to do and life to live that it is hard to do the necessary healthy things.

The Healthy Liver represents a life that has found the balance neseccary to function properly in GOD'S kingdom.

I desire the Healthy Liver. The great things about livers is their ability to heal. So even if I have a hard bairly funtioning liver once I cut out the bad and add in the good it won't be long before I have a fully healthy life.


Susanna Joy said…
Hey Girlie! :) Go ahead, link to me and e-mail when you can.

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