How can I face the morning?

I began a new schedule about a month ago. Since DH gets up around 6:30 I would get up at 5 and do my quiet time, That way I wasn't trying to pray while he was trying to get ready to go to work. By the time he would get upstairs I would have finished my study and could exercise until he left at 7. Lately, however, I have had a hard time getting up that extra hour early. I wake up at 6 and don't want to get out of bed.

I have told myself that I am just overdoing it and my body is tired. It is okay because I still read my Bible and do my prayer. But my prayer time is rushed and I just don't really talk to GOD. It's a bla-bla-bla kinda thing and then I jump up and run on to the day. I have to say that I am exhausted as I jump in each day. I don't want to deal with my kids and I especially do not want to deal with my hubby.

This afternoon I was reading an article in the newsletter from my church. The author was writing about how to spring clean my life. Point number one, "Seek GOD early in the morning."

I kept reading but GOD interrupted my thoughts. HE said, "Do you know why you don't want to get up?" I immediately knew what HE was referring too. There is a sin I struggle with. At times I think I have it beat and yet it finds its way in. I just give in to it so easily.

Well, HE dealt with it last week and I had to confess it to someone who I was hurting with it. I thought that was it I thought it was all over. Yet it has been hard to not be tempted and give in to the temptation. HE still has protected me from crossing the edge but "it" is still on my mind.

HE said, "You have not confessed it to ME. You get up every day and you don't want to face the morning because you don't know how to face ME. You feel to guilty and you don't know how to ask ME to forgive you and let it go."

Then HE said something that washed all the anxiety out of my spirit. HE said, "Why don't we take care of this right now so you can face tomorrow?"

What peace. And I haven't even gotten down on my knees yet.

LORD, I want to face tomorrow. I want to face it with YOU. I want to sit at YOUR feet in the morning and dwell in your Holy place.


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