GOD'S little treat
Yesterday, when I was getting dressed I noticed that my wedding ring was not where it was supposed to be on my dresser. I checked my pockets from the day before and didn't find it. I looked in all the rooms. By this time I began to get worried. I prayed that GOD would clear my mind and remind me where it was.
Then I continued on with my day. I didn't worry. HE would cause it to show up. And show up it did. Today I stuck my hands in my pocket and felt it. The weird thing is that I got these pants out after the ring was missing.
I had even checked the pockets of these absentmindedly as I continued to search at different times during the day. So in complete faith that HE would give it back to me I wasn't even searching anymore. I just reached in my pocket because something felt different.
Then I continued on with my day. I didn't worry. HE would cause it to show up. And show up it did. Today I stuck my hands in my pocket and felt it. The weird thing is that I got these pants out after the ring was missing.
I had even checked the pockets of these absentmindedly as I continued to search at different times during the day. So in complete faith that HE would give it back to me I wasn't even searching anymore. I just reached in my pocket because something felt different.