What a Life

I have been so very busy. I guess that is what happens when you have your third child. I expected to get busy but I never dreamed that I would have to choose to stop doing some of my desired activities. One of them has been the connecting on the web. I miss checking up on so many of you. I have dial up so it is painfully slow to blog surf and I just don't have the time.

We now have a beautiful 4 month old. She is a trip. I am loving every minute of my time with her. She had a spell here for a month or so where she was loosing weight. We had blood tests, ultra-sounds, and even an Upper GI. We also had to check for bladder infection so they tried to tape a little bag to her. When that didn't work we had to insert a tiny catheter. That was pretty traumatic then the lab never even picked up the specimen and we had to come back to try again. Fortunately, the bag worked that time. It all came down to acid reflux. She is now on medicine and gaining weight just fine.

DD1 is in pre-school. She is doing great. It is hard for her sometimes, but that is all part of the learning experience in life. I am really proud of her. She has her own personality, as well as things we are working on. But so often her sweet heart shines through, and she sees that loving others first is very rewarding. I love seeing her grow.

DS is just awesome. He is so sweet. One of his favorite games that he thinks is so funny is to kiss your nose and laugh. He will do it over and over again.

DH has just been offered a great opportunity in his company. He is currently the maintenance manager for a crew of mechanics. He has a degree in avionics and he would really like to be doing something in that field. The company he works for would like to open an avionics shop here and they want him to head it up. That means he would be building it from the bottom up. He gets to write the manuals and everything. And the best thing it is a day job. Woo Hoo. That will dramatically change our lives. Praise GOD we have been in counseling. I think we have made some major breakthroughs lately.

We are right now living at a hotel because we had a kitchen fire. I have three things I love about it though. I have hi-speed, cable, and a dishwasher. So I hope that for the next few weeks I will be able to keep up on the blog scene.

Yes, I said a fire. No one was hurt. We all got out and my DH put it out with the fire extinguisher. There is soot on everything. The cleaning company came and cleaned everything. I was like this is so great. Every couple of years you should hire a company to take everything out and clean it and then you can de-clutter and have a clean place. It is awesome. Anything they could not clean we have to claim. That means sitting down with a piece of paper and pen and write it all down and price it. That was a tedious job. I praise GOD continually for friends and family. My dear momteacherfriend came with her DH and they helped so much. He is a plumber and he is working with my DH on the replacement plumbing. And she helped me with the claims. She wrote them down and cleaned and put away what we wanted to keep.

We have so many friends who have offered help and some have even sent money. Wow. GOD always provides.


I am so thankful that everyone got out safe and your hubby was able to contain it. We never wish these things upon our home and families but it is MOST EVIDENT that God was with you throughout the whole deal.

Love ya!
Anonymous said…
Sorry to hear about your fire in your home. I am glad that everyone was safe!

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