Note from missionaries in the Ukrain

One of the things we really enjoy about Ukrainian weddings is the fact that weddings are part of the church service. Church began at the normal time, but oh, there was such an atmosphere of anticipation as we waited for the bride and bridegroom to arrive. Then, the sound of a car horn could be heard way off in the distance. The horn became louder and more persistent … they were on their way! Finally, the sound of the horn arrived and we waited for the couple to come upstairs into the hall.

Oh, I could not help but think of the wedding to come when Jesus, the bridegroom, comes for His bride, the church. Instead of car horns blowing, we wait for the trumpets to sound and then, as 1 Thessalonians says, we will be caught up with Him in the sky. Oh, what a day that will be, when our Savior returns for His bride. Do I anticipate His return as I anticipated the bride and bridegroom arriving today?


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