5 year olds really do get it.

On the way home from the grocery store on Tuesday my 5 year old son interrupted the silence in the vehicle with his beautiful voice. He had been quiet for a while and now I knew he had been thinking about something deep.

"Hey, Mama?"


"JESUS promises that you can be born again."

"Yes he does. But do you know what that means? It doesn't mean that you get to get back in my tummy and be a little baby again. It means that the spirit inside you, the person that talks, laughs, and thinks can be born again."

The conversation continued talking about the bad things we do (sin) and how that means our spirit is dead.

He thought for a while we even talked about some everyday stuff like when was snack time and what he was going to eat.

Then his sweet voice sounded sad and he said, "But I don't want to die forever."

I told him that if he decided to ask JESUS to live in his heart he wouldn't die. That when his body died his spirit would go to Heaven and he would live with JESUS forever. I told him he had to tell JESUS that he was sorry for the sins and that he wanted HIM to live in his heart. Then I asked if he wanted to think about that for a little bit or did he want to pray.

"I want to pray," he said.

Then without so much as a breath he was praying.

"Dear Heavenly Father, thank YOU for this day. I'm sorry for being bad. Please let JESUS live in my heart. Because I want to live in heaven with YOU."

I told him that he just got saved and that the angels were having a party and so happy to have a new friend. He thought that was kewl. He wanted to be at the party they were having and now he is sad that he missed it.

When we got home from the store DH was in the yard working on a car. A2 jumped out and ran up to his dad and said, "Hey dad, I just got saved and JESUS lives in my heart and I get to go to heaven to live with you and mama and GOD and JESUS and the angels are having a party for me right now but I don't get to be there but someday they will let me have a party with them." That was said just like it was written as a run on sentence without breathing.


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