E-mail to GOD?

Sometimes I feel like I have an e-mail communication with GOD. I send my request filled with non-stop words then I wait for HIS response. I don't sit and wait right there I just say my peace and walk away. Most of the time I forget to check my e-mail and find HIS response.

The big problem with this is the fact that I don't live knowing that HE is right her right now desiring to talk. I am not aware of HIS presence and I don't sit silent and listen for HIS response.

Also when I walk away I don't take HIM with me. After all HE is sooo far away and we only communicate at our when convenience. I can check back anytime. But I don't. I am only concerned with my e-mail being eloquent, and surrounding all scriptural.

What a waist of HIS time. No wonder I can't tell if HE wants a personal relationship with me. I am trying to be the only important one in this relationship. If I don't take the time to let HIM speak to me HE wont.

Today I choose to shut up and hear HIM. I choose to not argue with HIM and I choose to be humble and fear HIM.

I Love YOU, LORD. I desire to love YOU more. I choose to listen to YOU.


Anonymous said…
Good morning my dear. I have just been catching up on your posts and realized that it has been a couple months since I read any of them. I am sorry! I love reading your insights - they always get me thinking. You know what I hae been struggling with lately, and it was very revealing to read this.
I too have been approaching God as thought it is an email relationship
without even realizing it. Thank you for putting it into words for us! Now that I realize it, the feeling that something has been askew is understood and I can put my effort into fixing it rather than pinpointing it.
I love you. -Lil Sis

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