Intro to the Book of Acts Study (Updated)

Man the person who wrote this is lame. I would be pretty board doing a study with her. So since I have just let the Book of Acts out of its box and it is allowed to breath life again. Let's start over. There is some good info down there but we want to read about life.

The book of Acts was writtten about A.D. 60. It was written by Luke. The same Luke of the gospel of Luke. The book of Acts is considered a continuation of the gospel of Luke. Like a sequel. It starts by confirming the resurection of JESUS CHRIST. That is kind of the transition from the gospels to the formation of the church. I have always considered the book of Acts to be the bridge from JESUS' ministry and purpose to the final books of the New Testiment. Those books describe what it means to be a Christian, how we as believers are to act in this life, and what a Spirit filled individual can expect as tools to use for spiritual battle.

I have been having fun re-learning what we as Christians believe and why. I have found so many teachings that were based on assumption not on Scripture. I hope the study of this book will help clearify some more beliefs for me. As well as explain some contriversal issues, like prophecy, speaking in tongues, and spiritual warfare.

This should be interesting.

Lets start with a prayer.

Oh GOD, my GOD how excellent is thy name in all the earth, who has set THY glory above the heavens!

When I consider the heavens, the work of THY fingers, the moon and the stars, which THOU hast ordaned,

What is man that THOU art mindful of him and the son of man that THOU visitest him?

For THOU hast made him a little lower than the angels and has crowned him with glory and honor.

THOU madest him to have dominion over the works of THY hands; THOU hast put all things under his feet:

Psalm 8 (various verses)

GOD my GOD thank you for giving us the chance to get to know YOU and YOUR kingdom through YOUR Word. LORD, I just come right now to lift this study up to YOU. I want to honor YOU and represent YOUR Word correctly. I ask that YOU guide this study and keep me in check. Do not allow me to let my flesh take credit for what we learn or what I am writing. This is all for YOU. To YOU be the glory and honor for ever and ever. Amen.


Anonymous said…
Have you been water baptized in the name of Jesus (Having His name invoked over you in the baptism)?
Read Acts 2:38, 8:16, 10:48, 19:5, 22:16, Rom. 6:1-3, Col. 2:12, 3:17,
1Pet. 3:21.
The Catholic baptism of the trinity was not used until the late second century. Did jesus authoize it? NO.
Matt.28:19 Jesus said to baptize in the name...
What name? Not names. Jesus is the name above every name. Acts 4:12 the only name to be saved by.
Anonymous said…
regarding the NAME of Jesus. My site is

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