
How stressed are you?

Me I am learing not to let all the stuff I have on my plate weigh me down. I start going in circles in my mind thinking of everything I have to get done and I start to feel worthless because it is not getting done.

I have done this all my life. When I was in school we had to set goals everyday as to how many pages we would complete in each subject. It was an A.C.E. Christian school. I would set my goals and then as I was working I kept looking at what I still had to get done and I would start to shut down. It was so hard to focus on what I was doing when I was focused on the finished product that wasn't within reach.

I see myself doing that right now. Everywhere I look there is something else I have to get done. I hate seeing unfinished projects laying around. Piles of books to read, paper to sort, people to feed, e-mail, phone calls, Bible study, cleaning. The to do's are starting to get bigger and bigger. Not the list of to do's just the fear of each one on the list.

I have found the best way to defeat this is to just work on something and keep reminding myself of what has been accomplished. Also for me to write out my list of need's to be done and want's to do. Sometimes I run away from the need's for an hour or so and do one thing on the want's. Like excercise, e-mail, and playing around in my sewing room.

Life is to good to let it stress me out. I need to be thankful for every bit of the pile because it is just a reminder of how GOD has blessed me.

Oh ya, the Yuk is because I made enchaladas for my son, who has food allergies. I used tofu cheddar cheese. He hated it. It made him get sick so I didn't force him. Instead I didn't want to let all that wonderful meat go to wast so I was eating it. It really is horrable.


I feel overwhelming stressed right now as well. I want to be accomplishing SO MUCH more than it seems I can get done. So frustrating. Does not help that kids turn around and mess up stuff that is done. URG. Nearing a meltdown my daughter suggested I get on the computer. So I did and find I am not alone.
Love ya!
Anonymous said…
I am with you on this too. It is so hard for me to not be "doing" and wanting to get it all done. It bothers me when things go undone.

A phrase I heard a while ago (can't remember who said it). "We are human beings not human doings". Obviously, we need to do things...but we need balance.

I think it is important to find a balance. Because I struggle with the "doing" and sometimes "doing too much instead of embracing the moment and being flexible"...I set aside time in the day for "doing housework". I am hoping that this will help free me because I have set this time aside and "accomplished" it. I can check it off and on to the next thing (which is a lot of being...spending time with my husband and kids, teaching them, loving them, spending time with God, etc...). I just started the allocated chore time today...we'll see how it works?

Thanks for sharing...you're not alone...

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